Please!!!…be sure students have dressed appropriately. If they ride the bus or in a school vehicle,  they must have a WINTER  jacket, hat, gloves, boots, and long pants just in case of an emergency.  This includes away games, practices and field trips.

Upcoming Dates:

Friday, December 9 - The Reindeer are coming for a visit! 1:00-3:00 

Wednesday, December 14. “Early out” day. The school will dismiss at 12:30 pm, and buses will run as usual.

Wednesday, December 21 at 1:00 pm - PreK-12 Winter Concert! We will present live for those that can attend, but we will also LiveStream and record it for those that cannot. 

Wednesday, December 21 - Gracie, the Therapy Dog, at school!

Dress-Up Days!

Jr & Sr High (Grade 5 & 6) - December 14. HOUSE TEAMS - Dress as a Christmas Elf!

All School

Friday, December 16, National Ugly Sweater Day

Monday (12/19)  “Stockings were hung on the chimney with care…” wear Christmas socks.

Tuesday (12/20) “We wish you a Merry Christmas Day!” - wear a Christmas shirt or red/green.

Wednesday (12/21) “Dress your Christmas best!” - Dress for the Christmas Program at 1:00 pm.

Thursday (12/22) “One more sleep until Christmas break!” Wear pajamas (school appropriate)