January 11, 2024
Today's Basketball game is postponed until next Thursday, January 18th, 2024.
December 9, 2022
Please!!!…be sure students have dressed appropriately. If they ride the bus or in a school vehicle, they must have a WINTER jacket, hat, gloves, boots, and long pants just in ca...
September 19, 2022
North Dakota has an accountability system reported through Insights , more commonly referred to as the “Dashboard”. The Dashboard contains reports that display the performance of ...
April 12, 2022
In an effort to maintain the school property and grounds in good condition we are asking all people who operate Dirt Bikes and Four Wheelers to stay off the school lawn, Playgroun...
March 23, 2022
Even though the board has suspended our COVID protocols. They wanted to make certain that is is understood that if a student or staff member tests positive for COVED-19, they must...
August 17, 2021
The Drayton Public School Board decided to make masking optional for all students and staff to start the 2021 - 22 school year.